Did you know the word Episcopal comes from a Latin root that means Bishop, or “overseer”? It says a lot about what it means to be a part of this community as we recognize in our very name that we rely on and are responsible to a wider web of relationships in life as well as in faith. Being an Episcopal school means we have rich traditions of prayer and spiritual practice, service and care, diverse music and art, all within a culture of wonder. We are anchored by all these things in chapel and throughout the student experience to express and explore the mysteries and goodness of God, ourselves, and our environment. The Episcopal expression of faith shapes our school values.
We are rooted in this Episcopal way of being while honoring that there are many different ways of believing and engaging the world. We celebrate the joy of Easter, but also learn about Passover, Ramadan, and Holi. Our goal is not to proselytize, but to equip students as they embrace the role of meaning-making in their lives and in the world. It is an expansive and embodied journey. That’s why we marvel at miracles like new life and also take time to offer words of blessing over everyday accessories like backpacks and lunch bags (which may be pristine in August but will probably be scuffed by the end of the year). We believe God and that the things that matter most are known in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary. We invite you and your family to notice and wonder with us.
– Rev. Ashley Dellagiacoma, Associate Rector